Healthy Rate of Lose WeightBlog on How to Lose weight Effectively

Healthy Rate of Lose Weight

You often heard how you can lose weight fast with certain program or tricks (like this blog) .But you really need to know the rate that you loosing your weight.Be careful the rate you're losing (pounds per week).Most experts don't recommend losing more than 1-2 pounds per week,it is a average figures.Some weeks may be a little more, some a little less.

If you're not already on your way to losing fats, you might need to add in some protein and do some weight/resistance exercises to make sure you maintain your muscle mass.

You are panning to lose fat, not muscle, accessing the rate, you're probably ended with losing both fat and muscle.It is another point that why we need exercise.Do more exercise when you are losing weight. Exercise can protect your muscles and keep your metabolic rate ticking over at a healthy level.

It's Not A secret
Lose weight just need Time and consistence .It's long journey.Keep a record of your progress and do reward yourself on those small victories.(lose 1-2 pound per week) Create a milestone chart and reward yourself with non-food treats, such as a night out at the movies or that new watcher that you dreamed for.NOT eating more fast food to reward yourself.

Think long-term and Losing 2 ponds per week is the healthy way to your body.Imagine those who actually adding more fat to their body.I mean what's the point if you losing 4 pounds this week then adding 6 pounds next month? What you are doing here are habit that will stick with you and put in back into the right track of healthier lifestyle.

Fat Facts:
 A pound of fat equals 3,500 calories,if you going to lose a pound per week requires, it mean you need to cutting down 500 calories each day or burning 500 more calories per day.

So watch out the rate of your weight loss ,keep the healthy rate consistent.Talk to yourself you are not that hurry .Stay away from all the stress that hurrying causes. Check out my other post on why Stress Make Your Lose Weight Plan Fail


Celebrity said...

Agree ,and there are no traditional stress relief method like doing exercises,plus work-out help lose weight.

Unknown said...

Fat People, if you are eating fruit and make you still feel thirsty; you can make drinks shake fruits. To take the drink shakes, it can provide you extra energy for you’re all day long activity.
How to Gain Weight

Anonymous said...

Do you have trouble losing weight? Or would you like to lose it faster?I have found a really nice blog Rapid Fat Loss Solution.It is a new weight loss for people who dislike doing exercise. It will guide you step-by-step towards losing excess pounds in your body by changing the way you eat; as well as your behavior and preferences for food. Therefore, this program will help you lose weight using the natural method without the use of any diet pills that may have negative adverse effects.