These tips are not top secret ,in fact,some people might have heard before but for some reason they just don't take it serious and ignore it.The outcome is ,they still trying searching upside down,what are the best way to lower their weight..So,these are few useful tips for those who need to lose weight fast and heartier.Hope these tips will help you get rid of those tummy fat,baby fat (whatever you call it)fast.
10 Tips To Lose Weight Fast And Consistent.
1)While watching your favorite or surfing internet.... If your stomach is growling, FEED IT.I know it sound wired and diffrence to what others "experts"said.But trust me, if you don’t feed it then the next time you eat your body will actually store even MORE fat because it’s going into “starvation” mode. Make sure to eat something with lots of protein (chicken, salmon, eggs(organic eggs) and fiber (any fruits and veggies, oatmeal).
2) Do NOT eat processed foods and junk food. They have lots of chemicals and lots of sugar.
3) Stay away from sugar at all cost. sugar will actually make your body STORE fat.
4) Alright this is the "fact".Fat is good for you! but…you have to eat the right kids of fats. When i say it’s good for you I mean the right types of fats can help your body BURN the fat in your body and the bad fats. These include and are found in: whole (organic) eggs, coconut oil, raw nuts, REAL butter (you might have to go to a health store to buy this because it’s not sold at WalMart or grocery stores that I could find so far), olive oil, avocados.
stay away from these fats: canola oil, margarine, hydrogenated oils, and the fake butters and substitute butters.
5)Carbs are also fine but only in certain foods. Stay away from whole wheat bread because the body turns it into sugar and remember sugar is BAD. stay away from cereal, crackers, pasta.The carbs you should to help you BURN fat are: rice, spelt, sprouted grain bread, millet, sweet potatoes, and any fruits and veggies.
6) Try to stick to foods that only has ONE ingredient and combine those to make good foods. Example: salmon and asparagus…both cooked in coconut oil…you’ve got your good fats from the coconut oil and omega3 from salmon, lots of protein from the salmon, fiber from the asparagus, and it’s all delicious!
7) Don’t drink milk.You heart it. Milk actually has a lot of sugar and if you are worried about the calcium,well Science has prove that half of the calcium in milk doesn’t even stay in your body due to the pasteurization process of milk. If you REALLY NEED to drink milk then drink it unpasteurized. There’s lots of calcium in veggies and salmon and sardines.FACT:You can get more calcium from fresh vegetables then you could ever get from drinking any amount of milk.
8) one of the things you can start out with is:
–avoid anything that is WHITE…this includes crackers, pasta, bread, cheeses, milk, cereals, white rice(exceptions include fish, chicken, cauliflower, turkey, white pork)
BONUS 9)–ONLY DRINK WATER…and lots of it. drink a minimum of half your body in ounces. So if you weigh 150 pounds you should drink 75 ounces of water. now there's 8 ounces in a cup so that’s a little over 9 cups a day. a good way to get that in is to drink a cup every hour.
Well after you get these tips ,you should be more knowledgeable about these lose weight things.Remember, NEVER try to drink too much at once as this can lead to multiple bathroom trips. And Hey! ,don’t drink water to ignore your stomach growling. If you have to drink coffee…drink a small cup of black organic coffee. no creamer. it’s white :)
10.Don’t eat anything with the word WHEAT in the ingredient list. This includes breads, pastas, crackers and cereal (which are white too :P )
These three will help you lose unwanted fat in no time!
Bounus Tips:#11)About salads(yummy)…try substituting salad dressing for olive oil.It’s best to cook with coconut oils and use olive oil for salads or uncooked veggies or to add after cooking.
For all you out there on a low fat diet…stop it! You will make your heart condition worse. you really need to drop the bad fats and eat more healthy fats.After all not all born equal,right?
If you look at the mirror and thinking you are fine but somehow it might be better lose few pounds .Well,don’t be afraid of saturated fat. It is NOT what causes heart disease. The sugars and processed foods are what’s killing people.Baby fat won kill you.Just make sure every time you measure your weight ,you are not overweight again and again and again.
Eating less meal is not a good idea, try to eat 5 meals a day. I say try but I have been using this plan for about a week now and I can only eat 3 because I have so much protein and fiber. For example:
- First meal: 1/2 cup or even 1 cup of oatmeal with a banana or a cup of strawberries
- Second meal: 1/4 pound of chicken cooked in coconut oil and seasoned with pepper cut up and tossed into a salad (I used spinach instead of lettuce) with chopped up carrots and a half handful of nuts drizzled in olive oil (yummmy!!!)
- Third meal: 1/4 pound of salmon seasoned with pepper and cooked in coconut oil with asparagus (the amount of asparagus depends on how hungry I am)
And if I got hungry after that or in between meals I would grab an apple or banana or a handful of pistachios. For the fourth or fifth meal if I was omg super hungry for some reason ( i promise the chicken and salmon will fill you up!) I would make sure to cook 1/2 pound of each chicken and salmon and save it in the fridge to microwave. Make sure to have veggies or fruit with those too!
Also one thing that has helped is to stop counting calories because if you don’t each any processed foods or sugar then calories are completely useless. Besides if you are eating healthy like the example meal you don’t have to worry about it!
Fastest way on how to lose weight Blogging.Stay Tuned For More Tricks And Tips.